Saturday, 12 July 2014

Leeds City Museum

Today, I thought I would try out a completely different city. I went to Leeds... Leeds is big, very big and the museum I went to was fun! It doesn't have an inventive name, just Leeds City Museum but within is where the fun is!

Downstairs was my favourite floor. Fossils, skeletons, stuffed animals and pinned insects. It was all very interesting to look at and I hope all the animals had died naturally before they turned into a display...

After the museum, I had a good look round the city centre. It certainly is a modern city, fit for the needs of those who live in and around the city or those that commute. Before catching my bus home, I bought myself a refreshing cup of tea from McDonalds. I think I will collect the coffee bean stickers and have a free 7th cup once I have all 6 Squares on my loyalty card filled in!

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