Potter Carr? Again? So soon?!
Of course and why not?! A couple of friends and I had a few hours spare and some urgent birthday shopping was called for!
As we arrived mid afternoon, we went for our usual menu option, sausage sandwich with a portion of chips!
With cups of tea, clearly!
After our late lunch, we went to Beeston Hide which looks over Willow Marsh.
In fact, here is a map!
It was lovely and warm in that hide. Not surprising as the sun shines directly onto it!
After spending a small while watching a Morhen forage for food, we carried on towards Huxter Well Marsh. We decided to tour this large expanse of reed bed in the opposite direction to what we usually would.
As small of a change that is, we discovered some area's of woodland, we didn't even know existed!
I believe the area we stumbled upon was Black Carr Field.
As funny as it sounds, it felt remote to the rest of the reserve. The most likely reason being we had never been to that part of the reserve before!
We found a nice knobbly trunk to sit on...
Possibly in the Piper Marsh hide, we spotted a Roe deer buck with his antlers still in velvet.
As the evening progressed, we were soon to realise this would not be the only deer bold enough to present itself in the open.
To end the day, was a chilly view looking over Huxter Well Marsh and the fast setting of the sun.